Research, Writing, Speaking, Fun

Aurora Mendelsohn and Anthony Gray

Dr. Aurora Mendelsohn leads a team that creates, assesses, and presents institutional-level research and innovation performance metrics for the University of Toronto. She has extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of data analysis, assessment, visualization, and presentation.

Dr. Mendelsohn received her PhD at Northeastern University and lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Anthony Gray works with the President of the University of Toronto on institutional, system-wide, and international analysis, contributing to papers, speeches, and presentations delivered in various venues in many countries around the world. His work includes strategic-level research on institutional priorities.

Dr. Gray received his PhD from MIT and lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Gray and Dr. Mendelsohn have extensive experience speaking at conferences and presenting at workshops. They recently curating an exhibition on the history of data visualization, Emerging Patterns: Data Visualization Throughout History at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. (See an online version of the exhibition here.) They introduced students about one of the themes of that exhibition, The Power of Visualizations at Nightingale Day, a University of Toronto event for high school students that promotes gender diversity in statistics and data science. Their conference presentations include an Impact Session at the at the 2022 AIR Forum on Citizen Data Science in Institutional IR: How to Make it Work. This was a sequel to the 2021 AIR Form Impact Session “Citizen Data Scientists – Opportunities and Challenges for IR”. Both talks, which focused on data literacy in the higher education environment, were extremely well-received. Dr. Gray and Dr. Mendelsohn also presented a Featured Session called Data Visualization Forensics: Techniques to Detect and Debunk Data Deceptions. Videos of these two talks are available from this website.